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Deep Dive into Autorelease Pools in Swift

In the realm of software development, memory management plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient allocation and deallocation of memory resources.

2024-01-28 . 4 min read     Swift Autorelease

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Swift enum equatable: with or without associated values

Swift enums provide a powerful way to model a set of related values. Enums can be equipped with associated values, allowing them to represent a variety of data structures.

2024-01-24 . 3 min read     Swift Enums

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How to create Date Picker in SwiftUI

Use a DatePicker when creating a view that enables users to choose both a calendar date and, if needed, a specific time.In SwiftUI, you can use the DatePicker view to create a date picker.

2024-01-16 . 2 min read     SwiftUI DatePicker

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Getting started with Swiftlint to enforce Swift style

SwiftLint is a tool that ensures Swift code adheres to defined style guidelines. It automates code review by identifying and suggesting improvements for style violations.

2023-12-29 . 4 min read     Swift SwiftLint

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How to use Lottie animation in SwiftUI

Lottie is a fantastic tool for incorporating high-quality animations into your SwiftUI projects. There are several ways to add Lottie to project.

2023-12-13 . 2 min read     SwiftUI Lottie

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How to get index in Foreach in SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, the ForEach is used to iterate over a collection of data and create views dynamically based on that data.

2023-12-07 . 3 min read     SwiftUI ForEach

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The guide to Objective-C for Swift developers

The Swift programming language was created in 2014 with a particular focus on iOS and macOS development.

2023-09-17 . 3 min read     Objective C Swift

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Getting Started with SwiftData Empty space for void

There are lot of frameworks introduces on WWDC23 SwiftData is one of them. SwiftData designs to persist data using Swift code.

2023-07-07 . 2 min read     SwiftData WWDC23

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How to Get Started with SwiftUI in 5 Minutes

SwiftUI is a simple and fast way to make user interface but it's quite young and missing lot of features used to make complex apps.

2023-04-23 . 5 min read     SwiftUI iOS

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How to use enum in Swift Empty space for void

Enumerations (enum) enables you to write code in a type safe way. Enum is very useful while defining common type of values. You don't have to provide value while defining enum.

2023-03-07 . 2 min read     Swift Enum

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Property observers in Swift Empty space for void

It's a common pattern or technique in various programming languages when we want to perform some action when a value is changed. Property observers are used in Swift when we want to perform an action when the value of a property changes.

2021-05-24 . 2 min read     Swift Property Observers

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The closures in Swift are explained with examples

Closures are a difficult topic to grasp in Swift, but they are simple to grasp if well described. Closures are functional blocks that can be used or passed around in code.

2021-04-11 . 3 min read     Swift Closures

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How to use guard in Swift to write code more readable

It's necessary to write more robust and simple code as long as your project goes more complex. Every line of code you are writing is matters because the more your code cleaner the more ..

2021-03-29 . 2 min read     Swift Guard

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