Crafting Impeccable Code and Inspiring Technical Writing

I’m a software developer who’s passionate about creating innovative, user-friendly mobile apps.

About Me

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I am Gurjit Singh, a software developer with a passion for Swift and iOS development. My expertise lies in crafting high-performance code, optimizing technical processes, and writing about the latest trends and best practices in the field.

In addition to iOS development, I worked on numerous projects for Android and web platforms in the areas of e-commerce, coaching, matrimonial, e-newspaper, administrator management systems and more.

I'm currently involved in developing the, a platform dedicated to facilitating the buying and selling limited edition items like stock market.

Let’s connect with me.


iOS Developer, Yollect
Nov 2023 - Present

  • Yollect- We collaborated on a fully operational resale trading platform project that encompasses a user-friendly checkout experience, seamless integration with Stripe for payments, and additional features.

iOS Developer, Morango Languages
Mar 2021 - Oct 2023

  • Morango Languages App- Crafted a language learning app using Figma, Xcode, Swift, UIKit, CoreData, and StoreKit. Consistently delivered updates on the App Store, enabling seamless language acquisition from scratch.

iOS Developer, Habitoo
Mar 2020 - Feb 2021

  • Habitoo - Habit Tracker: Designed and developed Habitoo, an iOS habit tracker using Figma, Swift, SwiftUI, and CoreData. Successfully released on the App Store, facilitating easy tracking of daily goals and behaviors.

Full Stack Developer, XP Consulting Pty Ltd
Jan 2017 - Dec 2019

  • Bharat Times - We created a website for newspaper company that is interactive and dynamic and has cross-browser and mobile compatibility. It has features like e-paper, matrimonial, CMS and advertisements.
  • Eco Swaddles - For a clothing firm, we worked on a fully working e-commerce project that includes a CMS, a promotions and discount tools, a user-friendly checkout, a PayPal payment integration, and more.
  • Exceed career coaching - We collaborated with an online coaching company to create a dynamic website to sell their courses online. This website has a CMS, an easy-to- use checkout, a Stripe payment system, and other features.
  • Power to the plants - Developed a dynamic and collaborative website with a content management system (CMS), mobile compatibility, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Hepburn Retreat Centre - We worked on both the front-end and back-end of the company's website when it was redesigned.
  • Continental house - Contributed to the creation of the company's new website, where I was in charge of all front-end work, including mobile usability and cross-browser compatibility.
  • XP Consulting - In this pivotal role, my responsibilities encompassed conceptualizing, designing, and implementing the content management system for company's new website.
  • DG Tutoring Services - We teamed up with an online coaching company to build a dynamic website for selling courses. It includes a CMS, an easy checkout, PayPal integration, and more.

Android Developer, Tidycell
May 2015 - Dec 2016

  • Picasta - Designed and developed a feature-rich Android selfie app using Android Studio and Java. Released on the Google Play Store, offering filters, drawing tools, text addition, and advanced editing features.
  • Blast Of Struggle - Developed a captivating casual arcade game using Unity game engine and C#. Successfully launched on the Google Play Store, showcasing skills in game development and achievement.
  • SketchHD - Unleash your creativity effortlessly on any Android device with this intuitive sketching app. Created from scratch, it offers a myriad of features for seamless sketch production and editing.
  • Epic Baby Care - Designed and developed a parent-focused app with an intuitive interface using Android Studio and Java. Managed Play Store rollout and integrated Crashlytics and Google Analytics for stability and insights.
  • Best Torch Light - The high-definition Torch Light app was developed using Android Studio and Java, achieving a successful launch on the Google Play Store.
  • Bunny Go Run - It offers Android users a free, adventure-filled game. Developed using Unity 3D and C#, it's available on the Play Store for an engaging experience.
  • Turbanator - An Android app showcasing diverse turban styles in various colors. Crafted using Android Studio and Java, it's now accessible on the Play Store.

Full Stack Developer, Qik Ads
Aug 2014 - Apr 2015

  • AMS - Attendance Management System (AMS) is the easiest and most user-friendly method of controlling attendance for faculty and students developed for Desh Bhagat University.
  • SD Model School - Built an interactive website featuring a CMS, mobile adaptability, and cross-browser support.

Junior Android Developer, ADM Systems Pvt Ltd
Jan 2014 - Jun 2014

  • POPBAR - Developed an Android app in Java via Android Studio measuring social ratings through a friend-rated question game. Led UI, feature design, Play Store publication, and integrated Crashlytics and Google Analytics for crash monitoring and analytics.

Trainee Android Developer, Sebiz Infotech Pvt Ltd
Jan 2013 - Jun 2013

  • Anti Text Spoiler - Developed an Android app in Java via Android Studio enabling personalized do-not-disturb scheduling, blocking notifications, calls, and texts within specified timeframes.


Punjab Technical University
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Computer Science
2009 - 2013

Grade: A

Licenses & certifications

Fundamentals of digital marketing
Issued Apr 2023

Credential ID - 2LA5H7BLD
Show credential

Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift
Issued May 2021


  • Languages - Swift, Objective-C, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, C#, SQL, C
  • Operating Systems- Mac OS, Linux, Windows
  • Tools - Xcode, Android Studio, Git, Figma, Bootstrap, Unity3D, WAMP, LAMP, GIMP, Inkscape, Eclipse


English (Professional working proficiency), Portuguese (Elementary)

Download CV in PDF format

If you have any queries or an interesting project idea, please send me an email