Welcome to my corner of the internet—where code meets creativity! I build sleek mobile apps, write about Swift programming, and mix great cocktails. Cheers!
In any programming language, working with strings is essential, and Swift is no different.Whether you are building iOS apps......
2024-10-17 . 3 min read String Concatenation
With the introduction of SwiftUI, Apple has provided developers with a modern way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms....
2024-07-09 . 3 min read UIHostingController
In the realm of software development, memory management plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient allocation and deallocation of memory...
2024-01-28 . 4 min read Swift Autorelease
Swift enums provide a powerful way to model a set of related values. Enums can be equipped with associated values, allowing them to represen...
2024-01-24 . 3 min read Swift Enums
Use a DatePicker when creating a view that enables users to choose both a calendar date and, if needed, a specific time.In SwiftUI, you can ...
2024-01-16 . 2 min read SwiftUI DatePicker
SwiftLint is a tool that ensures Swift code adheres to defined style guidelines. It automates code review by identifying and suggesting impr...
2023-12-29 . 4 min read Swift SwiftLint
Lottie is a fantastic tool for incorporating high-quality animations into your SwiftUI projects. There are several ways to add Lottie to pro...
2023-12-13 . 2 min read SwiftUI Lottie
In SwiftUI, the ForEach is used to iterate over a collection of data and create views dynamically based on that data....
2023-12-07 . 3 min read SwiftUI ForEach
n SwiftUI, the NavigationView and SplitView allow you to create split-screen layouts, especially useful for iPad applications....
2023-11-30 . 2 min read NavigationSplitView
The Swift programming language was created in 2014 with a particular focus on iOS and macOS development. ...
2023-09-17 . 3 min read Objective C Swift
When we perform network requests to fetch data from the web we have to write completion handlers to know the completion of request.It's quit...
2023-08-26 . 2 min read Networking
There are lot of frameworks introduces on WWDC23 SwiftData is one of them. SwiftData designs to persist data using Swift code. ...
2023-07-07 . 2 min read SwiftData WWDC23
SwiftUI Class Struct Networking XCode NSCache Enum Optionals Property Observers Closures Guard Reviews StoreKit App Store Algorithms Testing Operators Protocol Extensions Weak Unowned SwiftData WWDC23 GCD API Admob SwiftLint Lottie Foreach Objective-C UIKit NavigationSplitView
It's a language learning app built with Figma, Xcode, Swift, UIKit, CoreData, and StoreKit that aids in the learning of new languages.
iOS Swift Xcode UIKit
Habitoo is an iOS app that features a basic habit tracker for tracking everyday goals and behaviours.
iOS Swift Xcode SwiftUI
It is a selfie-taking and editing app. It was produced using Java and Android Studio, and it was successfully launched on the Play Store.
Android Java Android Studio
"Mastering SwiftUI" is a comprehensive guide that equips both seasoned and aspiring iOS developers with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in SwiftUI-based app development. This book takes a structured approach, starting with foundational concepts and progressing to advanced techniques, ensuring a holistic understanding of Apple's declarative UI framework.
Readers will explore SwiftUI syntax, views, and data flow, gaining practical experience through real-world examples. The book goes beyond basics, covering intricate UI designs, animations, and seamless integration with other Apple technologies.